who is she?
She lives in a world of words and wings.
She hides at the bottom of the ocean and only those who have no fear of dark and depth can find her.
She waits in a secret flower, invisible for those who are mesmerized by the rose's obviousness.
She spreads her fragrance only for a few.
She is neither young nor old.
She surrenders.
Surrenders to life and its forces.
Surrenders to the cosmic dance.
For her, there is no sweeter sound than the scratching of pen on paper - except maybe from the 'pling' her iPhone makes when a message from one of her lovers flies in.
She is
... the sapio hummingbird.
who is she?
She lives in a world of words and wings.
She hides at the bottom of the ocean, and only those who have no fear of dark and depth will find her.
She waits in a secret flower, invisible for those who are mesmerized by the rose's obviousness.
She spreads her fragrance only for a few.
She is neither young nor old.
She surrenders.
Surrenders to life and its forces.
Surrenders to the cosmic dance.
For her, there is no sweeter sound than the scratching of pen on paper - except maybe from the 'pling' her iPad makes when a message from one of her loved ones flies in.
She is